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Bristol Superlight

Bristol Superlight specialises in range-extended electric vehicles. However, the Bristol name has a long, storied past spanning more than a century. With such rich history, the company has chosen to preserve their traditional logo.

Bristol Superlight

Instead of complete rebrands, the Bristol Superlights modernises through incremental changes. The company logo is a complex piece, which loses detail at smaller scales. To maintain legibility on small screens, Max was tasked with creating a simplified icon.

Bristol Superlight

Max took the most recognisable elements and condensed their proportions. Even at a glance, viewers are able to connect the icon to its original logo.

Additionally, Max was responsible for updating the brand's visual identity. This included a total rework of their colour palette. Bristol Superlight wished for a distinct theme that would set them apart from competitors.

Along with a colour palette, Max proposed a motif for the Bristol Superlight. Such a pattern could further distinguish the brand and establish a recognisable visual.

The motif depicts a network of ovals, each linked to one another. It represents a variety of themes, from collaboration to workflow.